WGOSPEL.COM presents, in the year that the pioneering radio program “A Voz da Profecia” completes 80 years, a rescue of the unmistakable voice of the founder and speaker, Pr. Roberto Mendes Rabello. The APP “Roberto Rabello In Memoriam” contributes with other celebrations alluding to the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In 2023, the church celebrates 160 years in the world, with 128 years here in Brazil.Already in 1943 the world was living under the shadows of the Second World War when Rabello was called to record the first programs, translated into English, in a studio in Hollywood, California. Rabello remained at the head of the program until the end of the 1970s. Other speakers took over the role from then on. However, the voice of the pioneer, well known at the height of radio in Brazil, still echoes transmitting peace and hope, “announcing the return of the Lord”.This APP rescues some of its powerful messages. Enjoy them!